gorgeous_design_co. team
Established in 2017

This is our story...

Design is so much more than creating a good-looking product, pretty pictures and fancy fonts. It is about creating a positive experience for users at every interaction. Design influences what we think, the way we feel and the decisions we make.

Why Gorgeous?

Good-looking is one thing. 

Beautiful is another.

But reserve gorgeous for the kind of looks that take your breath away. 

I’ve always been fascinated by how design has helped to shape the modern world. Whether we’re aware of it or not, design can be found in the tiniest of places and products. From doorbells to cars, every object that surrounds us was designed to find a solution to a problem or need and improve our life quality.

When I started Gorgeous Design Co. in 2017, I wanted to create a design agency that will not only create gorgeous designs but designs that make businesses more valuable and help them to communicate their messages correctly.

The Gorgeous Team is on a mission to deliver exceptional designs to help companies to create lasting, meaningful connections with their audience.

Gorgeous Design Co. Founder

Meet the Gorgeous team

The diverse skills and complementary expertise of our team ensure that your message to your audience is communicated with professionalism and passion

Fascinated with the impact of design in our daily life, web and editorial design, I only read books with beautiful covers and buy groceries with cool packaging. If I’m not in front of my computer then you can find me eating ice cream in Salthill or cooking very spicy food in my kitchen.

Awesome, badass, cool, sexy… Oh sorry, I was just playing Scrabble. I’m just an ordinary guy… An ordinary guy with a huge glass of Coke. Im on the edge, I play videogames late at night and work at dawn, true legend (just kidding). I like to design for the people who love their business.

First of all, Design is my passion, I am always looking for new areas of communication, new techniques, and technologies. I am constantly studying something new to become a great designer. My motto is; One team one dream.

Trying to travel around the world, always looking for the perfect shot, wasting hours and hours to get the desired edition or breaking my head with the photo’s caption. My passion is animation and sometimes you can find me creating a bit of art through animation. Film lover, travel lover and art lover.

We love to work with social enterprises & unique businesses

Social Enterprises: You understand that a professional and clear design strategy is essential for your organisation. Our role is to work together with you in order to create awareness about your social impact and boost your business.

Unique Small Businesses: Do you have an interesting business idea that stands out from the crowd? If so we would love to collaborate with you to develop your brand identity and digital strategy.
